Version 0.2.5
{{{"cAZvNgqe5U4\n3:17\n100% on purpose, she's been doing more and more risky stuff" | renderPostMessage 14329}}}
{{{">>14329\ndef on purpose, some of the worst acting ive ever seen.\n\nany other good ones?" | renderPostMessage 14330}}} |
{{{"she's live again" | renderPostMessage 14331}}} |
{{{">>14331\nidiots r gonna start annoying her like others." | renderPostMessage 14334}}} |
{{{"she just talked about it and she doesn't even care about deleting it. love this girl" | renderPostMessage 14337}}} |
{{{"Her friend has huge tits and sounds super excited talking about 'creepy' comments." | renderPostMessage 14339}}} |
{{{">>14339\nSome of them secretly like it, but not all ofc. I've literally messaged some girls telling them I fap to their content & they still show off their bodies all the time lol" | renderPostMessage 14340}}} |
{{{">>14339\nmake sure you sub to the friend, she's gonna go live too. she showed her acc at the end of one of the lives" | renderPostMessage 14341}}} |
{{{">>14341\nnot the end, EYQFTTSJ3jo at 3:46 she shows it" | renderPostMessage 14342}}} |
{{{">>14340\nits human nature for most to like it. girls show off, guys want to mate with attractive girl. circle of life" | renderPostMessage 14345}}} |
{{{"How do i view this" | renderPostMessage 14358}}} |
{{{"How do I view this" | renderPostMessage 14359}}} |
{{{">>14329\n>>14359\nSame. How tf do I open these" | renderPostMessage 14362}}} |
{{{"well" | renderPostMessage 14364}}} |
{{{">>14362\nBro you are too damn stupid" | renderPostMessage 14367}}} |
{{{">>14367\nWell explain how if you're so smart" | renderPostMessage 14402}}} |
{{{"Just copy the code and put it in the search bar of yt" | renderPostMessage 14403}}} |
{{{"1xysERASqbk\nAnyone able to access tt to see if any wins?" | renderPostMessage 14415}}} |