Nerd Cutie - AnonIB Archive


Last updated {{ '2022-06-19T15:09:50.460Z' | moment 'MM/DD/YY HH:mm'}} (Local time)

Open file(1.74 MB, 1920x3749, 1590348093069.jpg)

Open file(246.44 KB, 456x834, 1628184317126.jpeg)


No. 23812
{{{"Uncensored?" | renderPostMessage 23812}}}

No. 23815
{{{"If you stick with this girl and not Ruby there would be peace between us." | renderPostMessage 23815}}}

No. 23816
{{{">>23815\nhuh? Ruby who?" | renderPostMessage 23816}}}

No. 23818
{{{">>23816\ndon't play games" | renderPostMessage 23818}}}

No. 23819
{{{"any more of her?" | renderPostMessage 23819}}}

No. 23823
{{{">>23818\n??? I also have no idea what you're are talking about. \n\nBut I'm not on here often so ..." | renderPostMessage 23823}}}

No. 23824
{{{">>23812\n>>23816\n>>23823\nSamefagging as usual. I don't have a problem with this girl and yet, you still don't want there to be peace." | renderPostMessage 23824}}}

No. 23825
Open file(794.39 KB, 708x1378, 1627365219174-1.jpeg)

{{{">>23823 he's a troll so don't worry. Want to see more of her too. This is the same girl?" | renderPostMessage 23825}}}

No. 23826
{{{">>23824\nactually that wasn't me so that just shows that different people like different girls you dumbass!" | renderPostMessage 23826}}}

No. 23829
{{{">>23826\nWhatever you say, samefag." | renderPostMessage 23829}}}

No. 23831
{{{">>23824\nI'm the OP and I posted only this >>23816 so far (besides this post also obv).\n\nAnd I have no idea what in the flying burrito fuck you're talking about.\n\nStarting to be sorry I started this thread. Saw these images out in the wild and thought'd I'd ask. Instead of help, I get a psycho troll thinking everyone knows his cryptic troll speak. Most of us don't live on this board sonny." | renderPostMessage 23831}}}

No. 23832
{{{">>23829 I try telling you a truth and you wont believe me - can't help yourself can you?" | renderPostMessage 23832}}}

No. 23833
{{{">>23825\nYes! Thanks, okay, so at least I know there is more out there now.\n\nShe's just my type :3" | renderPostMessage 23833}}}

No. 23835
{{{">>23831 sadly that fuckwit does - he will try and take over and take down this thread. It seems to be what he lives for" | renderPostMessage 23835}}}

No. 23837
{{{">>23831\n>>23832\n>>23835\nIt's funny to see you ruin your own threads, specially when you don't have anyone hating on this girl" | renderPostMessage 23837}}}

No. 23838
{{{">>23833\ni like ger too but the other guy is just spammong on sites with girls that he doesnt like \"so they should be taken down as they are unacceptable\". He's probably just a lonely guy and this makes him feel wanted and relevent" | renderPostMessage 23838}}}

No. 23841
{{{">>23835\nOk, thanks. Didn't know if he was just trolling at first with his mention of \"Ruby\". Thought maybe that was another girl of interest. \n\nWill ignore the mentally ill moron.\n\nSo, no one knows more about the origin of these images?" | renderPostMessage 23841}}}

No. 23843
{{{">>23838\n>>23841\nYou try so hard to samefag but you're not fooling anyone." | renderPostMessage 23843}}}

No. 23846
{{{">>23841\nsadly not - she appeared on her a dew weeks ago but the thread disappeared. Ruby? She's on here and girl he likes but won't admit to it for some readon - must be some repressed guilt or something" | renderPostMessage 23846}}}

No. 23850
{{{">>23841\n>>23846\nStill samefagging." | renderPostMessage 23850}}}

No. 23852
{{{">>23846\nOk, well thanks for the info. I guess I'll check back and see if anyone has more content or info. At least if the thread last for a few more hours. \n\n<<PS: Hilarious cringe about this troll and Ruby. Not sure I like knowing this disturbing info. No wonder I stay away from this board. Y I K E S" | renderPostMessage 23852}}}

No. 23855
{{{">>23852\nno worries - if they get taken down I usually repost just to waste his time & piss him off anyway!" | renderPostMessage 23855}}}

No. 23857
{{{">>23852\n>>23855\nSamefag.\n\nIf you actually stayed away you wouldn't keep coming back. By the way, you're wasting your time not getting anything from these girls." | renderPostMessage 23857}}}

No. 23859
{{{">>23857 not as much as i'm wasting your time and I will get something! you didnt answer my question on the other rthread you're spamming" | renderPostMessage 23859}}}

No. 23861
{{{">>23859\nYou've been posting ugly, disgusting, and below average girls for months and haven't gotten anything worth a damn." | renderPostMessage 23861}}}

No. 23864
{{{"I have actually been searching for her uncensored pic/vids too! Please someone have!" | renderPostMessage 23864}}}

No. 23896
{{{">>23815\n>>23818\n>>23825\ndo yourself a favor and take your meds anon" | renderPostMessage 23896}}}

No. 23902
{{{"So if there's no more of this chick, who's this Ruby slut?" | renderPostMessage 23902}}}

No. 23916
Open file(37.37 KB, 144x255, 1628476844179-0.png)

{{{"Seen her on before but only have this photo - perhaps others will have more" | renderPostMessage 23916}}}

No. 23917
Open file(530.60 KB, 1080x1920, 1600007073503-0.jpg)

Open file(181.52 KB, 1080x1425, 1600007073503-1.jpg)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 23917}}}

No. 23919
{{{"Thx for those! I do like her so hopefully she has others and video too" | renderPostMessage 23919}}}

No. 23922
{{{"Sadly flash drive lost." | renderPostMessage 23922}}}

No. 23951
{{{"she do many bude photo or video? like to see if some one can share" | renderPostMessage 23951}}}

No. 23962
Open file(3.28 MB, 336x511, 1600052570608.gif)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 23962}}}

No. 23972
Open file(349.26 KB, 926x1790, 1628476844179-3.jpg)

Open file(291.77 KB, 932x1321, 1628476844179-1.jpg)

Open file(975.56 KB, 1080x1920, 1628476844179-2.jpg)

{{{"I found these photos on the web, unfortunately I can't find anything else, any help?" | renderPostMessage 23972}}}

No. 23974
{{{"I'm sorry but that toilet looks to have shit stains coming out the front TF!" | renderPostMessage 23974}}}

No. 23980
{{{"Damn, nice! Glad to have something. Such a massive rack! I'd die for a video." | renderPostMessage 23980}}}