What is a good spy camera?... - AnonIB Archive


Last updated {{ '2024-10-25T00:03:13.835Z' | moment 'MM/DD/YY HH:mm'}} (Local time)

No. 16975
{{{"What is a good spy camera?" | renderPostMessage 16975}}}

No. 16977
{{{"Inwould like to know the same, especially for when it's dark" | renderPostMessage 16977}}}

No. 17027
{{{"In need of something hidden with night vision" | renderPostMessage 17027}}}

No. 17032
{{{"looking for a video camera watch, if anyone has any recommendations. have found surprisingly few options" | renderPostMessage 17032}}}

No. 17034
{{{"How to hide? \n\nI have an AliExpress camera module and I wanna know how I can set up something to record directly to SD or USB drive. Any tips, how to hide or pics of set ups would be appreciated" | renderPostMessage 17034}}}