Anyone got any SF wins maybe some 2020 HS grads?
Last updated {{'2025-03-13T14:47:16.688Z' | moment 'MM/DD/YY HH:mm'}}
Anyone got any SF wins maybe some 2020 HS grads?
Who has her 👻??
Any 0nate HS wins? Looking for class of 09 - 2012.
Just start a new thread for her- heard she's selling to a few people again, hoping to get the new drops here and dump the rest for all the new people that know her.
Let's get a new Cruces tab going again! Request and post up what you have, keep it cool bros. Hopefully let's see some of the newer Gen too, they look slammin
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Anyone have Jade? I used to have some but lost them awhile back