Post superagent stuff here. Hi... - AnonIB Archive


Last updated 12/31/24 22:34 (Local time)

No. 32159
Post superagent stuff here. His models that don't fit elsewhere plz.

No. 32160

No. 32161

No. 32162

No. 32164
You post as a fan. I post as a hater. Fafo. This is a relative of his from waretown.

No. 32165

Wow. Sexy. Post more!

No. 32167
Why do people like him. He is in the mafia.

No. 32170

If you read any of bio info. A very long time ago he dated an actress that played a mafia role. That's where this rumor came from and has been going for years.

No. 32176

That's exactly the case. He doesn't mention relationships much. People who work with him have said this though.

No. 32187

No. 32199
If I lived in Jersey I would even tho most of u say I'm an ugly bitch

No. 32209
Southern Reg Hs ho in his family


No. 32210

No. 32211
H@l3y another ho in the family. Edison than moved around

No. 32212

No. 32216
I asked to hire her from his insta. He gave me the name @ndr€a he said monmouth county but not where exactly. I'd love some wins.

No. 32226

No. 32228

Cuz u r a f a t ug Lee bi tch

No. 32230
They would only hire her out as diabetes warning. There fat and there's obese and this is extremely obese

No. 32237

If this is who i think it is. She sits at m ull igans in Farmingdale and gozzles beer at the beer. Burps and farts then a different drunk biker usually fatter than her takes her home at last call.

No. 32240
K@rt@zyn@ bergen county

Bergen county. Get her resume. Saw pl@yb0y on it. So there are wins

No. 32248

Who'd he date? Ginny Sack from the sopranos lmao

No. 32256

Worked at sinsations in keansburg before they closed right?

No. 32259

Right show wrong actress/character

No. 32264
H00P$ is on the T@&&€d app now live literally recruiting models. Seems like you'll see a lot of black girls up soon.

No. 32268

I think so

No. 32269
Just gave him another $3000 event hostess offer for c@dy. Not Rutgers this time. Georgian Court now. I work in college banquet biz. I hope to get the real deal one day & not a replacement for one of my events.

No. 32277
Haha heard his Facebook was hacked. Good!

No. 32278

You got K@y$$I as a replacement right if I remember from the last post. She's great! Great looking. Not like you did badly.

No. 32284

No not bad. Just wanted c@dy for the job is all

No. 32292

Then who? J a nice?

No. 32298
Saw H00P$ in Neptune Walmart today. I think C@dy was with him.

No. 32299

God. You Gen Z weren't even born when the show was airing. 💩 was in the NY papers. The actress was married. Hid it from the media. Hid from him apparently. He dated her before and after she was married w/o knowing. He was sort of known then modeled for Hilfiger and was an agent even back then.

No. 32302

Can't a dude take his daughter to a store in piece leave them alone already 🤪🤣🤪😘

No. 32306

Bingo! He had a Wikipedia page on him and it spelled it out. It's been gone maybe 5 years now.

No. 32310

Not his daughter. This has been addressed here. They are housemates.

No. 32314

He's on the t@&&€d app again live. I asked him why that app. He said it hits his demographic what he needs as models. Guess he's short black girls idk. His cohost is the black woman that is Lamar Jackson's agent idk her name.

No. 32315
He is doing a radiothon now. Raising money for a drug rehab. He does this often.

No. 32327
I never got her name. I think he said from Ocean Co
Are there wins

No. 32337
K@yssi was a sub for a job I had in Edison. Originally looking for C@dy. Here is a BIG sample of what $7200 got me. Great replacement.

No. 32346

Wow. Does anyone know her? Are there wins? I'd love to see them. 🔥

No. 32349
He said Middlesex co. She is mad cute. Any wins? Anyone know her?

No. 32351

Got pulled twice let's try this lol. Her.

No. 32358
My c@dy replacement. 0lg@. She is new with them. Hired her through Lu×ury not H00P$ himself on her snap. Full nude art model shoot. $1500. Union area.

No. 32360

When you take more pix post them she is 🔥🔥🔥🔥

No. 32367

L@ur€l from Old Bridge maybe. Catholic HS girl. Haven't seen her maybe the 8th grade.

No. 32368
Those of you who said what he was looking for on T@&&€d were right. This is from his in sta

No. 32372

Bump moar J@de. ❤️ her and her huge tits

No. 32377
H00P$ gave me a Russian name and said she is from Brooklyn. Jeez tho. A lot of new jerseyians are from Brooklyn. If you know her and have wins post them she is 🔥🔥🔥🔥

No. 32385
I knew they were big but I had no idea this big. That's why they have so many models.

No. 32398
This is supposedly H00P$ daughter. She has or had an OF. There are supposedly several hundred wins out there but i haven't seen much.

Im a hoops hater. Let's show as much as possible.

No. 32400

No. 32414

She has huge tits so post wins.
You know that if that is his daughter they don't talk so it's not like some revenge thing, right?

No. 32426

I knew her in college. Went to Georgian Court. She's a nasty ho. This pic is from that time. I don't have wins but would like them.

No. 32430

Very nice. Who is she?

No. 32431

Dude has a nice shaft and balls.

No. 32432
Video seems to be in long branch. Who is she? Are there wins?

No. 32438
Asked for C@dy got a replacement of D€$t!ny. Corporate brunch hostess. Paid an even grand. I'm happy with the replacement. Job was at Bell Works Holmdel. She's an Essex county model.

No. 32448

No. 32454

K@yssi, 0lga, & D€stiny are their main C@dy in person replacements.
My boss just got K@yssi for $2 5 thousand 🌽hub deal now as a replacement.

J@de is available for Webcam and virtual stuff. I have to say I paid for one of her shows and omg it's worth it. She is sensual bitch.

No. 32461

Moar K@yssi

$25k holy 💩

No. 32468

No. 32482

Showing H@l€y is gold because not only is she family she hates H00P$ and is with another agency. So if you search her you are putting $ into someone else's pocket. The ultimate revenge.

No. 32493

I was told she got 17 jobs this month. 9 were as replacements for C@dy

No. 32506

My boss just matched the offer for 0lg@ when we were told C@dy was unavailable for $25k.

No. 32509
Any new stuff of C@dy herself? Any wins? Any old stuff not on this board yet? Post wins.

No. 32510

TR c@dy. Ems c@dy. c@dy gThere are tons. Stop hoarding.

No. 32511

What a great ass

No. 32514


No. 32515
He said her name is $@ntri from Bergen County. Holy 💩

I'm in awe

No. 32519
For those who like the trans girls. This one is getting a lot of work for their agency.

No. 32520


No. 32530

Yeah I heard that too. She just tolerates him to have a roof over her head. I know her actually.

No. 32532

Makes sense i mean they found a replacement to be a hostess for a brunch for me. It's just being like a diner hostess for 4 hours for $1000

I like H00P$ tho. He's chill and treats people fairly.

No. 32534

I just combed both of their social medias. There is not one damn picture of them together. She is with his wife. Never him. You are onto something.

No. 32538
Felt sexy decided to self post. I know you all are going to say I'm a fat ugly bitch. But whatever.

No. 32541

Disgusting heffer

No. 32542

Moo cow

No. 32543

Idgaf just post wins

No. 32544

Chill for a newer thread this has a good amount of wins.

No. 32545

She's a cool chick let her be. Do you realize she has made $6000 modeling in the Durango, CO market in 2 weeks? Do you know how hard that is? She did all this be seriously being a fan of our NJ agents and he took a liking to her. She is doing something right no matter what you think of her. Keeping posting hun

No. 32546

No. 32550

3am hit and run tinder date for me. From howell. Her tits are huge. Pussy furry. That's all I remember

No. 32551

Used to be the best lap dance in Monmouth County before the place closed.

No. 32552


No. 32553

I have wins. Do you want to see or nah?

No. 32555

No. 32556

You know you have a young lady here like myself that might post wins if people were a little nicer. You all suck tho

No. 32564
Funny story he sent a transgender as a c@dy replacement today. It's just to host a breakfast. No biggie. Most people don't even realize she is trans. Quick $1200 for her.

No. 32565

As I said earlier C@dy doesn't like H00P$. Why would she turn down $1200 to host a breakfast? She isn't independently wealthy. Those event jobs are easy for these models.

No. 32571

Neither of his daughters like him C@dy or Dur@g the black girl. It's a known fact.

No. 32572

Yeah I sort of know her. We have the same circle offriends C@dy can't stand him. She's not rich she is renting a damn room from him. She could definitely use the $ but she hates him

No. 32573

It's a shame all these females on this board related to him including c@dy hate him. $1200 to greet people at a breakfast and they sent a trans girl as replacement. Cmon you know she could use that money. She just doesn't want to deal with him because she hates him.

No. 32577

I was a bumble hook up with her. It was really just a fuck and run. Even then she mentioned she hated him.

No. 32597

She sucked my dick in the parking lot of yesterday's in hazlet then again in front of her house.

No. 32598

Like everyone is saying his daughters dur@g hates him. She has a great ass tho

No. 32618

No. 32620
Id definitely fuck ya

No. 32633

I'll take that as a complement 😊

No. 32635
>>32633 show yourself naked

No. 32639

Do you like? 🤭

No. 32642
Unleash those milkers

No. 32651

No. 32658

Fat ug lee Whore

No. 32660
Any pussy pics? Id love to but in you

No. 32661

Show what you got 😈

No. 32662

Btw I encourage everyone to self post why tf not lol

No. 32664

Why is anyone encouraging this heffer to post. You're ugly. You're from Colorado. You post here because you are a fan of someone from here and you started this stupid thread?

No. 32666

1) who tf cares where's she from and she is one of the very few who self posts.

2) her starting this thread got a lot of wins up that this board never had. She posted an agent and people followed by posting shit from the agent and people who are related to the agent. We got wins from JERSEY. That's what this board is about.

3) if you don't want to see her nudes just ignore them. Most do. Some don't care. Almost none complain about seeing pussy and tits.

No. 32670

Hear, hear!

No. 32672
Sewell. D0nna

We did a nude shoot with her. They just brought her over from another agency.

No. 32685

You're an ug Lee whore

No. 32687
Got H00P$ entire s tolen portfolio from his modeling days including nudes. 😈😈😈

You gay & bi guys and straight gurls might ❤️ this shit

No. 32690

Yeah sorry forgot your gurls too

No. 32699


No. 32702
Dude raises money for liberal charities. Why does anyone like him? He was raining money to get addicts treatment on the radio last night. What a sap!

No. 32714

No. 32717

Wow I guess C@dy's dad has a big dick. Makes sense, I guess.

No. 32725

I'm wrong type of woman to admire this but I guess not bad

No. 32729

Father got a big dick. Daughter has big tits. It does make sense 🤣🤣🤣

No. 32751

A younger J@de

No. 32759
anyone got ??

No. 32761

She young and I don't see pix of her on his page so he don't rep her. He rep 18 or up. Bet she followed applied and was told she was too young. Idk for sure tho

No. 32762
This dude is a legend. He is C@dy's and Dur@j's father. They are the same age different moms. All while fucking a married Me@dow S0pr@no and causing a media frenzy. Think about that 💩

No. 32763
bump she’s been leaked before

No. 32764

Ok idk her

No. 32769

No. 32771
bump for bryne

No. 32773

Nice cock

No. 32785
anyone have bryne ?

No. 32786

The less popular daughyer of H00P$

No. 32788

Wow very nice. What's her name?

No. 32789
Who the hell is this guy and who are the girls? Women part of his modeling agency?

No. 32792

Wow. Very nice

No. 32793
LY nn

Tried to book her. There might be incoming wins. She got some kind of big deal and has limited availability now.

No. 32795

Nice. Where is she from?

No. 32796
He is literally not c@dys dad. I know her mom nd step dad nd he real father literally has her last name nd is an author. Yall are sooooooooo dumb

No. 32797

Mostly models from his agency yes. Some people started posting his family members. 🤷‍♂️

No. 32798

He Rasied more money for addicts. Fucking libtard

No. 32799

A birdie told me that it's hustler magazine and it was a 3 shoot deal for $50k. Originally came in asking for c@dy.

No. 32801

I keep telling them. They don't listen.

No. 32805

I agree c@dy and him can't along. You have high $ jobs easy jobs requesting you and you turn them down. Unless she is wealthier than I realize.

No. 32816
Stop with that nonsense. Idk him well. I am fan of his and now I model for him. When he is on the radio when they took calls and you all spoke badly about her. He stood up for her and/or cut the call out. He stopped taking calls now because of this nonsense. He fucking adores c@dy. He has her back 24/7. They are HOUSEMATES which i have said a dozen times and even he said on the radio when asked if c@dy is his daughter.

I hope this isn't pulled for the 4th time. This is so dumb lol

No. 32834

Dur@j doesn't like him. Dur@j makes it clear on FB her feelings. I doubt c@dy likes him either. No matter how much he likes them.

No. 32847

Ya'll mentioning family of his that hates him. She can't stand him. She is with another agency even.

No. 32849
We're getting to him Boyz lmao

No. 32853

No. 32859
I found her bc she commented a lot on another board I am active with. She an ex gf of H00P$ and sister of 1990s Yankees Pitcher M€l!d0 P€r€z. She gave me this pic to do what I pleased with it.

No. 32860

No. 32866


No. 32871

Who tf is that? Who are either of them?

No. 32880
S!err@ is H00P$ partner. She is originally from Lakewood. Many many wins out there. She used many many stage names.

No. 32881

No. 32883

Idk when she started going by Du rag, Du Raj, Dr@ y@, Dr€@h@ or all her stage names come from but back in the day when I knew her in HS and College she was @udr€y. Jackson Liberty and Georgian Court. I hope it rings bells for someone. There are wins. She had an OF. She is H00P$ daughter, despite what the naysayers say.

No. 32886

She is literally H00P$ best friend. They started the agency together. She wouldn't even mind if posted wins but I don't have any.

She is also friends with Dur@j too

No. 32887

No. 32891

Not friends with Dur@j anymore. She switched agencies. Dur@j hates her and H00P$

No. 32892

Very nice

No. 32898

No. 32901
This was being shared around Facebook. When I asked if was told they were seaside. Idk who they are. Idk if there are wins. I'd imagine so and love them tho.

No. 32904

No. 32908

No. 32910

I didn't realize how big her tits were

No. 32917
You guys are amazing. H00P$ just finished a fundraiser on the radio with members of the Sopranos
3 of you and I know you are from here spent $20 each to ask him questions about C@dy.

No. 32921

Who has her huge tits nude

No. 32923

I bet that ass and pussy are nice too

No. 32929

I got this pulled many times already. Shorthand answer to questions.

C@dy was his wife's work daughter. That's why people think he is her dad.

C@dy is super intelligent. That's her best quality. He wants her to learn his biz someday. He wants to mentor her and thinks they can learn from each other.

C@dy doesn't model currently but he thinks she could be one of highest earning models ever if she did. Job offers that are clothed have already been over $50k for her a lot more for other categories. He's filled them with others.

No. 32930

Lol I got her pregnant once lmao lmao

No. 32931


No. 32932

Maddie, what Sopranos were on what did they talk about?

No. 32934

She is a cream pie city nigger whore. Bust a nut leave for the next guy. Lol

No. 32936

M€ad0w & Chr!st0pher. S!lv!0 with Spr!ngsteen texted in a donation.

H00P$ was funny. M€ad0w wouldn't answer questions but H00P$ did. They asked about their relationship. Strange places they had sex etc.

No. 32939

Lmao so what crazy places did they have sex?

No. 32940

No. 32945

Balcony of the Apollo Theater in NY. Coat Closet of the Limelight Night Club in NY. You can tell Me@dow wss pissed that he answered the question.

No. 32947

If I can get a tit pic of her. What do you have?

No. 32950

No. 32963

No. 32973

No. 32975
Even tho it's not labeled as such i think this is the ass of someone who is often talked about here.

No. 32979

That's 0lg@ yeah she has been mentioned here.

No. 32982
Met her on another message board claims she works with H00P$ as a model. She is from Farmingdale

No. 32987
Can u just shutup already nd stop makin up shit about this loser

No. 32988

No. 32989

She's an ugly fat heifer like you

No. 32990

You're both ugly whores

No. 32991

Bump. Love this milf

No. 32992

Is her name @strid? Does she work at Acme in Old Bridge?

No. 32999
H00P$ is not answering his inst@
Who tf is she? She looks so familiar.

No. 33002

Bro if it is who i think it is here is another pic.

No. 33003
I looked him up and he was big in his day but that was 20 years ago. He did something with A x l Rose not showing up and just wasn't anything since. Popped up as a sports agent but never big.
The big agency in Jersey is I am Your Only Fan. It's run by cops. They have the best looking models. What this guy has are all leftovers.

No. 33004

I've hired girls from both. The girls with H00P$ see more of the money. From I am Your Only Fan they seem to take a huge %
Also the I am Your Only Fan girls seem to be less clean. Come dirty and stinking a lot. Just my 2 cents.

No. 33005

Bro same. Some have like no teeth from I am Your Only Fan. Look like meth heads.

No. 33015

No. 33018

No. 33021

If this is the leftovers let me see the good models. These girls are 🔥

No. 33026

No. 33028

Those tits look floppy AF

No. 33034
This bitch i used to hook up with from E Rutherford named R@qu el
said she was trying for adult films. Spoke to J@de who pic is in this thread many times who works with H00P$ and she now has the application

No. 33035

No. 33039

No. 33040
Last name?

No. 33041

M€ND0Z@ works at Food Bazaar in Carlstadt

No. 33044

No. 33045
Nice try diddy..

No. 33047
She's from Brick right?

No. 33049
I was told by my friend this is lux ury who works with him but I'm uncertain

No. 33050

No. 33051

Ch€sl€i&h works with them just told me on FB that K@ySS! might be the first model theirs to earn $100k in a month. She is very close this month and is 43 year old.

From Trenton area btw.

No. 33052

I luv H@ley so much cuz she is a sexy cunt and she hates H00P$ and blasts him on social media. I think someone said H00P$ is her godfather which makes this funnier lmao lmao

No. 33057
H!ldy V€l€z from Jersey City just signed over from Latitude talent mgmt for a chance to get a Playboy deal with BSRI & H00P$

No. 33058

I ❤️ her. Go K@ys 😀

No. 33063

No. 33068

No. 33069

No. 33070

Those tits got her tons of $ if this thread is accurate.

No. 33073

No. 33075

I used to slap that bitch around like a ragdoll and she liked it. I choked the fuck out of her and she liked it. She is worth nothing but her holes and is a toothless cunt.

No. 33076

Why are you fucks all fanboying about her she is worthless?

No. 33077

She is fucking my boy Akash now because we share in my family. Still works for my family too not her daddy Hoops

No. 33078

Moar J@de we love her big tits

No. 33079

Bump for K@yssi

No. 33081

They are all 🔥

No. 33082

As a fellow Latina I'm rooting for K@yssi besides she is sexy AF with great tits.

No. 33086

J@de gives samples if you ask about her camping. She is on red d it

The rest of her socials are inactive

No. 33087

No. 33088

Camming not camping lmao although it would be nice sleeping with her lol

No. 33099

No. 33104

She's an ugly bitch and you must be a small dicked cuck for posting her

No. 33105
Can tell someone is having a bad Christmas.

No. 33108

Take 3. What do you think of my gf? Can she model? It keeps getting pulled

No. 33109

Needle dick no one wants to see your horse faced gf. That's why it keeps getting pulled. She's an ugly whore.

No. 33111

Can't model. No chance

No. 33113

Have her sign with us. I am Your Only Fan Agency. I have a $50 job for her. She will be dicked down by 3 of us on video. You can watch if you want.

No. 33114


She's looking for no more than nude work and a lot more money than that

No. 33115

Your gf is a ugly whore trash and that's a solid offer.

No. 33118

She's literally making more doing less. She just an offer today.

No. 33120

$40 to suck cock on video that's solid bro

No. 33121

Go K@yssi

No. 33128

A trophy I saved from her.

No. 33131

No. 33132

No. 33133

Who is she to H00P$ again?

No. 33134

Where is sim0ne been? Any wins?

No. 33136

Love some more of this bitch

No. 33138

Who tf is this Peter dude?

No. 33139

Known as B@yville P€t€

No. 33140

Moar j@de

No. 33141

I love this bitch. Any hardcore shit on her?

No. 33142


No. 33143


No. 33144

M@ddie, id love to see more of you if you post more of yourself 😍🥰😍

No. 33152

Yeah so she got a Playboy offer today.

No. 33156

I don't have many more pictures sowwy

No. 33157

She just passed the $100,000 earning mark for modeling this month. The first time their agency had a model make that much in a month.

No. 33159

No. 33161

Hun, when you get some please post. Most of us like you here.

No. 33168
I think this is someone always spoken about on this thread.

No. 33169

Same person

No. 33171

Love this bitch H@ley. Love how much she hates H00P$. Look at that butthole 😍

No. 33172

Any more of this big dicked bitch?

No. 33175

No. 33180

No. 33182

No fucking way. Is that his fat jew wife? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Do you know how many times I tried to get wins. This is fucking classic bro.

No. 33183

H@ley's current situation lmao.

No. 33184
Fuck! I'd love to shive my whole face in that. I bet she cums nice and wet...

No. 33185

Last night's trophy from the smelly toothless cunt.

No. 33190

No. 33191

For real bro? You want that lol

No. 33192

J@de on Re d dit that's her only social media i know of for her. And the 2 subs she adm ins

No. 33193

No. 33197

My agency I am Your Only Fan. Yeah for sure. Fuck H00P$ and his bs. Her body is too good for that agency.

No. 33198
How much do you think she could honestly make??

No. 33200

Talk to H00P$ himself. Him or his people aren't on here ever. I doubt they know about it

No. 33202
Let me sum up some things I'm learning. Peter Dick hates H00P$. If im following this right Peter doesn't like the girl with no teeth but yet there is a picture of his dick between her tits. I lost the thread a bit. I think the girl who he is titty fucking doesn't like H00P$ either.
His daughter don't like him. His goddaughter don't like him. His fan Maddie likes him and that's about it and he doesn't even know about this site lmao.

No. 33212

No. 33214

perfect pussy, does she show her boobs, too ??? or ass and pussy in doggy ???

No. 33215

No. 33216

Word thru the grapevine is that J@de caught a bullet this morning. She is ok.

No. 33217
Dude ur literally a child nd a fool. Everything u posted can be traced by to someone on reddit. Sto postin fake ahit

No. 33218

No. 33219

No. 33220

He's a menace. Just causing shit

No. 33221

No. 33222

No. 33223

No. 33224

No. 33225

No. 33255

No. 33256
Need more of her, who is she?

No. 33257


No. 33273
Went on a mission to add to union beach thread bc I thought this chick would be easy pickings like sells for $1 Anyway I guess she is fighting with the superagent so I took this

No. 33278

Literally the goddaughter of H00P$

No. 33279

She's a troublemaker. She pranks the radio show in stupid voices asking for milk and weird shit. She is literally a crack addict I heard.

No. 33281

There is a reason I rep her all H00P$ daughters and his goddaughter. He's creepy. My man M0ta is right too in his comment. I fucked all of them too. Even the ones with cream cheese in their panties.

No. 33282

Idk why there are even fans of H00P$. He takes rehash models from our agency. After we use them up hey gets them.

No. 33283

We all had our dicks in all their holes too 😜😜😜

No. 33293

No. 33294
She was 🔫 in NY, right? Is she ok?

No. 33295
Their agency's highest earning model.

Close to 0ne hundr€d t€n th0usand this month alone if she didn't beat it that even.

Used to work for P€t€r D!ck who interrupts this thread all the time with his bs. Now earning real $

I hired her 4x myself already.

K@y$$i is her name