Wwyd to Lana? And share more o... - AnonIB Archive


Last updated {{ '2024-04-18T17:23:39.020Z' | moment 'MM/DD/YY HH:mm'}} (Local time)

No. 8726
{{{"Wwyd to Lana? And share more of her if you have it" | renderPostMessage 8726}}}

No. 8728
{{{"There’s literally no nudes of this square hipped cunt because you were too chicken shit to get them off her phone when you had the opportunity, dude. Give up." | renderPostMessage 8728}}}

No. 8730
{{{">>8728\nWho says I ever had the opportunity?" | renderPostMessage 8730}}}

No. 8732
{{{"I could post a picture of a u-haul packing box and it would look better than what this chick has to offer.\n\nReevaluate your standards, my guy." | renderPostMessage 8732}}}

No. 8734
{{{"No. Eyes too damn far apart." | renderPostMessage 8734}}}

No. 8736
{{{"I’m so glad that my family got the hell off the British Isles a few hundred years ago before we ended up inbred like this pair." | renderPostMessage 8736}}}