Version 0.2.5
{{{"Looking for this GDP episode in 4k.\n\nIt's E375. Torrent preferred.\n\nhttp s: //amateur streams. pw/girlsdoporn-e375-18-years-old-4k/\n\nalso looking for a torrent with most (or all) gdp episodes, gdt and bts not needed. \n\nthnx" | renderPostMessage 338}}}
{{{"also: post your fav episode!" | renderPostMessage 339}}} |
{{{">>338\n>18-years-old\nlol nope!" | renderPostMessage 340}}} |
{{{">>340\nHow far earlier?" | renderPostMessage 341}}} |
{{{">>340\nID issues?" | renderPostMessage 342}}} |
{{{">>340 can you provide proof of this statement? I’ve gotten my rocks off to this chick a stupid amount of times. You giving a solid case to what you just said will make that jerk count skyrocket." | renderPostMessage 343}}} |
{{{">>341\n>>342\n>>343\nthere's already been a few of them that were shown to have been 15/16 when they did their scenes, that people showed on that other but now nuked thread, and they say this to all of them and I am beginning and already have begun to doubt that, really many of they were actually 18 at this stage, so yes I really do think that she's another one with ID issues and feel like someone will eventually do some digging and find that out." | renderPostMessage 344}}} |
Open file(593.64 KB, 1018x1682, b6d2190825bf4ee.jpg) {{{"oh yeah, here's a pic of one example of a couple who were - at the time of doing their scenes E179 was 16 at the time and E172 was the one who was 15 at the time, was stated that she had just turned 15, barely, when she did her scene.\n\nthere are more of these ID issue examples photos but was the only one I've got" | renderPostMessage 345}}} |
{{{">>345\nCan you show example of issue?" | renderPostMessage 346}}} |
{{{">>346\nthat is the example..." | renderPostMessage 347}}} |
{{{"This girl was 18 when filming as was the vast majority of girls they had on, but they snuck in a few that weren't every now and then.\nSome of which never ended up on the website and they got put in jail for it. So if 375 is your favorite don't worry" | renderPostMessage 348}}} |
{{{">>347\nThat’s not an example, that is speculation" | renderPostMessage 349}}} |
Open file(16.25 KB, 354x194, 1662695189162960.jpg) {{{"Need help Identifying set number" | renderPostMessage 350}}} |
{{{">>349\nit has been proven to be true, stop being stupid.\nthe people behind the studio got arrested for having - girls in their videos, and that is one of them." | renderPostMessage 352}}} |
{{{">>350\nbump GDP number" | renderPostMessage 354}}} |
{{{">>354\nGDP E154" | renderPostMessage 356}}} |
{{{">>348\nno there were more than just one who was - that's one of the things he got convicted for was the sex trafficking of Minors, not a Minor, there were a lot more, just so far only know of a few who had ID Issues" | renderPostMessage 357}}} |
{{{">>350\n>>354\n>>356\nIt's 190. Rachel" | renderPostMessage 359}}} |
Open file(2.11 MB, 8688306371f.webm) ![]() {{{"" | renderPostMessage 360}}} |
{{{">>353\nhe was charged with murder because of a dispute over money for a gay porn shoot. They didn't find enough to convict him. He was scapegoated and fired from the RK Inc for shooting with the girl. That UA girl from those scenes and a few other unreleased was dating him. They continued to date and he was charged with a DV a few years ago. She still models and has an OF. She used a fake ID and lied about everything. FL laws don't guard against fake IDs." | renderPostMessage 363}}} |
{{{"Does anyone have full gdp and gdt collection the could share?" | renderPostMessage 365}}} |
Open file(224.52 KB, 1825x1052, 1650573132292.png) {{{">>365" | renderPostMessage 368}}} |
{{{">>368\nnot what he asked." | renderPostMessage 373}}} |
{{{"is there a proper meg a. nz archive of gdp?\n\nwhat about the wiki info on the models?" | renderPostMessage 374}}} |
{{{">>373\nwell the lazy fuck can go look for them himself now" | renderPostMessage 376}}} |
{{{">>376\ndamn you triggered manFORBIDDEN, you link a pic with the adress censored and you get mad when called out. Get over yourself." | renderPostMessage 377}}} |
{{{">>345\nI've seen proof on 179. But do you have any proof on 172" | renderPostMessage 637}}} |