Version 0.2.5
{{{"Here comes another GDP thread. Apparently @dri@nna Sw33be (e228 & e235) did more other than GDP and her fetish bsdm stuff. In 2016ish either she or some fag larping posted this story to an antiporn board. Anyone have any leads? It would have been deleted by now.\n\nAdrienne S. (Regrets doing porn because it ruined her life. Wants to warn others.) (female, 21, USA) (Nov. 8, 2016)\nDOING PORN RUINED MY LIFE\n\nI would like to share my story about how doing porn has ruined my life.\n\nI'm from Ohio, where it's difficult for a girl in high school to find a good-paying job. Only a few days after I turned 18, I -ed as many porn producers as I could, looking for work. Almost immediately I started receiving offers, and the next thing I knew I was on a plane heading to California.\n\nI was signing contracts without reading them, because all I cared about was the money. I was paid extra because I looked ySCAMr than 18 and had a size 32A chest. They told me that's what the industry wanted, but later insisted that I get breast-enhancement surgery.\n\nThe first few shoots were very basic, but then in the next shoot they informed me that I wouldn't be paid the full price or have my flight paid for unless I did the anal scene. I reluctantly said yes, since I couldn't afford to pay for my own flight. So I signed another contract and began the most disgusting day of my life. I think the scene included maybe 7 or 8 men, but it felt like 100. They gave me what they called a \"safe-word,\" but I was so confused and worried about my body that I couldn't remember the word. The men were black, and I was told to say the N-word because it was part of the script. Looking back, I think the real reason they told me to say that word was to anger the men and make the scene more intense for their website.\n\nOne of the producers starting revealing my real name online, because he knew if people from my town or my school found out what I did, they would buy a subscription to the website just to see it for themselves. I ended up paying back some of the producers in order to have them remove my videos from their websites.\n\nSo in the end I ended up a broke waitress -- just like in the beginning. Except now I have the reputation as the \"racist gang-bang girl.\"" | renderPostMessage 287}}}
{{{"Anyone have her gangbang video?" | renderPostMessage 288}}} |
{{{"agreed, bump that" | renderPostMessage 289}}} |
{{{">>288\nI have been going with the notion that it is a D0gF@art video since they do the rough gangbangs. I couldnt find shit. I have run the photo with the red background through free pimeyes and found some images I havent seen before but I cant figure out the sites without paying." | renderPostMessage 291}}} |
{{{"might help" | renderPostMessage 295}}} |
{{{">>291\nThere are 6 image sets under the porn name of Madalyn at this site." | renderPostMessage 296}}} |
{{{"porn ruined her life....i think the bad tan did that first. they have no idea what they were getting into" | renderPostMessage 394}}} |
{{{"Here are some more photos. \n\nThe gangbang video was deleted, unfortunately I never saw it. But I heard she cried a lot during the video." | renderPostMessage 396}}} |
{{{">>396\nany idea what site it was originally posted on?" | renderPostMessage 407}}} |
{{{">>396\nI would love to watch her cry. Any way to track the video down?" | renderPostMessage 408}}} |
{{{"Bump in hopes someone saved a copy" | renderPostMessage 417}}} |
{{{"Lol she got what she deserved. What a dumb whore. I hope her father and future FORBIDDENren see the video. Worthless slut" | renderPostMessage 418}}} |