Feel bad for her nigg@... - AnonIB Archive


Last updated {{ '2025-03-13T13:55:51.578Z' | moment 'MM/DD/YY HH:mm'}} (Local time)

Open file(277.16 KB, 1205x1137, IMG_1257.jpeg)


No. 7335
{{{"Feel bad for her nigg@" | renderPostMessage 7335}}}

No. 7337
{{{"I feel bad for him too lmao. Post more of her" | renderPostMessage 7337}}}

No. 7338
{{{"Might have some of her gangbang pics" | renderPostMessage 7338}}}

No. 7339
Open file(142.44 KB, 1206x746, IMG_1149.jpeg)

Open file(1.34 MB, 1001x1798, IMG_1270.jpeg)

{{{">>7337" | renderPostMessage 7339}}}

No. 7340
{{{"Damn bro, how’d you get these?" | renderPostMessage 7340}}}

No. 7341
{{{">>7340 met her on feeld lol, gb pics from her fetlife partners" | renderPostMessage 7341}}}

No. 7342
{{{"Oh word? What’s her f3tl1fe user?" | renderPostMessage 7342}}}

No. 7343
{{{"…wow poor chr1st1@n" | renderPostMessage 7343}}}

No. 7351
{{{"LMAOOO!! Look who is a loooser, his name his name is taaaaayyylor" | renderPostMessage 7351}}}

No. 7353
{{{">>7351\nNigga can you read her names in the title pretty sure it’s lind@" | renderPostMessage 7353}}}

No. 7355
{{{"She’s on tour. AK, LA, Seattle. She got it all planned out" | renderPostMessage 7355}}}

No. 7360
{{{">>7351\n>>7358\nLmao ask her about kaskade coming up then. Imagine being pressed about the community fleshlight not our fault she’s a serial cheater she made to be fun and she is lil bro" | renderPostMessage 7360}}}

No. 7362
{{{"Oh yeah don't worry about that. You don't need to keep on stalking her story and try to connect that to this. Kaskade about to be fun without you guys. :)" | renderPostMessage 7362}}}

No. 7363
{{{">>7362\nForgot about s3attle lol. Such a nice guy sharing his girl? Thank you Christi@n!" | renderPostMessage 7363}}}

No. 7364
Open file(959.15 KB, 1206x1653, IMG_1285.jpeg)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 7364}}}

No. 7365
Open file(43.76 KB, 600x450, IMG_9493.jpeg)

{{{"Kendr1ck night S@turday is gonna be a blast huh maybe I’ll get more of these after she’s done getting ready like bowling night" | renderPostMessage 7365}}}

No. 7366
{{{"Some of these photos aren't even her, especially the one in the shower pointing upwards smh" | renderPostMessage 7366}}}

No. 7367
{{{"Kendrick Lamar is not Saturday night LOL If you're going to blackmail someone, get your facts straight dumbass." | renderPostMessage 7367}}}

No. 7368
{{{">>7362\n>>7367\nlol lemme guess, that’s what she told you lol. And oh sorry my bad, Friday night" | renderPostMessage 7368}}}

No. 7369
{{{"ain’t nobody tryina read all this sad cuck loser shit just post jfc" | renderPostMessage 7369}}}

No. 7370
Open file(214.69 KB, 844x1500, IMG_0322.jpeg)

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{{{"Nigg@ just loves the flavor I guess" | renderPostMessage 7370}}}

No. 7371
{{{"Fucking finally" | renderPostMessage 7371}}}

No. 7372
{{{"So this website is just to solely blackmail women who rejected Taylor that’s crazy! I accessed her stuff deleted all of the photos and videos that she is cutting ties with because she is no longer with her ex. \n\nThat’s part of the past and I guess you’re just jealous that you’re not hers in the end fucking white boy." | renderPostMessage 7372}}}

No. 7373
{{{"How does it feel to be a whole bunch of losers on this website? Do you do this to every girl that doesn’t work out for you?" | renderPostMessage 7373}}}

No. 7376
{{{"Post more of her! Isn’t this the mf that posted her ig asking for more of her and forgot to crop out his pfp lmaoo" | renderPostMessage 7376}}}

No. 7377
{{{"Nah he isn’t. But you didn’t answer my question. How does it feel to be a bitch and a pussy all at the same time trying to blackmail someone?" | renderPostMessage 7377}}}

No. 7378
{{{">>7377\nYou knew what you was doing, you took the pictures now all is guys wanna fuck your sweet pussy don’t be mad, bend over let us run a train I’m sure you be happy after that" | renderPostMessage 7378}}}

No. 7380
Open file(372.74 KB, 1169x2057, IMG_1013.jpeg)

{{{"CAUGHT chr1st1anc@d@vos you asked for it here it is go ahead and cry" | renderPostMessage 7380}}}

No. 7382
{{{"Look who is jealous that they can’t have what they want? Looks like someone hacked into his account and tried to blackmail him too because Christian doesn’t use the black/night mode. He uses the white/light background mode. \n\nHow would I know? Because I’m his best friend. \n\nSo YOU got caught Taylor. And you tried to create a fake conversation that you and Linda had a together to make her look bad. \n\nHow desperate are you? All of these photos and videos are from her past and you can’t admit that.\n\nFucking idiot" | renderPostMessage 7382}}}

No. 7383
{{{">>7382\nlol sounds like cope chr1stian" | renderPostMessage 7383}}}

No. 7384
{{{"We know it’s you Taylor because you’re off on Thursdays" | renderPostMessage 7384}}}

No. 7385
Open file(3.45 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2355.jpeg)

{{{">>7382\nlol explain this then" | renderPostMessage 7385}}}

No. 7386
{{{"lol buddy talking to at least 7 different people like it’s one nigg@ what you on bro" | renderPostMessage 7386}}}

No. 7387
{{{"Her past? You mean like a month ago? Bro be real" | renderPostMessage 7387}}}

No. 7388
{{{"What other recent pics do you have other than that one? Exactly, nothing. You have nothing recent. Just that lingerie set and her past stuff from Hawaii." | renderPostMessage 7388}}}

No. 7389
{{{">>7382\n>>7388\nExplain it then" | renderPostMessage 7389}}}

No. 7390
{{{"Fr if anything, who’d she send that one to besides you? Unless you leaked it but let’s be real, all them nudes got sent somewhere womp womp" | renderPostMessage 7390}}}

No. 7391
{{{"Buddy’s lost fr. Post those full body pics uncensored! ahaha" | renderPostMessage 7391}}}

No. 7392
{{{"Well Taylor I can. So her and her new man got a new lingerie set from Victoria Secret in January.\n\nThen you hacked into her phone to grab that picture and blackmail her. Unless you have a text thread that shows that you received it from her." | renderPostMessage 7392}}}

No. 7395
{{{"Hacked? Buddy is COOKED all over some street hoe. Sounds like Mr c@d@vos has suicide creepin up fr" | renderPostMessage 7395}}}

No. 7397
{{{">>7388\n>>7392\nIf you’re not chr1st1@n then I guess you’re @ngel, could be wrong but not as wrong as you are" | renderPostMessage 7397}}}

No. 7398
Open file(281.60 KB, 1108x1477, 2025-02-02 16.41.03_2.jpeg)

Open file(233.31 KB, 1108x1477, 2025-02-02 16.41.03_3.jpeg)

Open file(305.53 KB, 1108x1477, 2025-02-02 16.41.03_1.jpeg)

Open file(98.01 KB, 1477x1108, 2025-02-02 16.41.03.jpeg)

{{{"lol new man when she’s married and cheated is insane" | renderPostMessage 7398}}}

No. 7400
{{{"You’re a G fr!! You got her fet user?" | renderPostMessage 7400}}}

No. 7402
{{{">>7400\nBuddy made her delete hers but one of her bulls k30n1p01p0und3r on fet has" | renderPostMessage 7402}}}

No. 7403
{{{">>7370\nThese from f3t too?" | renderPostMessage 7403}}}

No. 7405
{{{">>7404\nJust like the lingerie pic was only sent to you right?" | renderPostMessage 7405}}}

No. 7406
{{{">>7404\nStill don’t explain the other pics and her @ddr3ss. Shit not adding up lil nigg@!" | renderPostMessage 7406}}}

No. 7407
Open file(948.99 KB, 963x968, IMG_1288.jpeg)

{{{"Omfg stfu already ain’t nobody here for all this denial" | renderPostMessage 7407}}}

No. 7422
{{{"Ho! Guess she never change from hs wish I still had all her vids from then too. SMH after 2 @b0rtions still nevah learn lol!" | renderPostMessage 7422}}}

No. 7423
{{{"lol she cheated on her hubs of ten yr a month ago and dude thinks he found the one!" | renderPostMessage 7423}}}

No. 7426
{{{"She’s married to that crust gay dude?" | renderPostMessage 7426}}}

No. 7427
{{{"I’m looking for anything recent as of February 6th and now. Looks like it’s nothing but her past stuff. Good job, you’re a fucking idiot and will have nothing but her past stuff. Loooooserrrrr 🤦‍♂️" | renderPostMessage 7427}}}

No. 7428
{{{"Hoes reuse nudes she did it with you lil bro" | renderPostMessage 7428}}}

No. 7429
{{{">>7426\nlol no that’s the dude whos pressed in the comments about her. He thinks a hickey is gonna ward off all her side nigg@s like bro are you 15? Hahah" | renderPostMessage 7429}}}

No. 7431
Open file(1.42 MB, 1200x3600, IMG_0536.jpeg)

Open file(1.57 MB, 1200x3600, IMG_0538.jpeg)

{{{"Sorry too busy being happy and seeing all of these men thirst over someone that will never be theirs. You only got pictures of her past and will never lay hands on her. So sad.\n\nThis is where all the depressed men are at that can’t make things work. Make all the assumptions you want. Imagine being in a 10 year marriage but having to put up with this polygamy and being forced into it.\n\nFuck you and your depression. Quit using women as if they are objects." | renderPostMessage 7431}}}

No. 7432
{{{"Could not care less." | renderPostMessage 7432}}}

No. 7434
{{{"Imagine flexing the fleshlight hahah" | renderPostMessage 7434}}}

No. 7435
{{{"Bro can’t take it that he’s the rebound just moonwalk your ass outta here and let everyone continue to enjoy her" | renderPostMessage 7435}}}

No. 7438
Open file(771.55 KB, 1170x905, IMG_1133.jpeg)

{{{"Aww what’s wrong, is this too much for you? Jerk off to this LMAOO\n\nLinda & Christian" | renderPostMessage 7438}}}

No. 7439
{{{"lol seemed like she was “putting up” with it well" | renderPostMessage 7439}}}

No. 7440
{{{">>7429\nWait but does she actually have a hickey rn? If she do ur cooked" | renderPostMessage 7440}}}

No. 7441
{{{"Christian you write like a bitch, unless angels fat ass is on here doing work for you lol" | renderPostMessage 7441}}}

No. 7442
{{{"Yup that hickey was from me last week, something you’ll never do. I feel bad for your own mom, must be hard for her to raise a bitch 😊" | renderPostMessage 7442}}}

No. 7444
{{{"So how’d he know about it then?" | renderPostMessage 7444}}}

No. 7445
{{{"Also who tf leaves Hickeys you’re 28. Oh that’s right, you don’t care where your dick goes" | renderPostMessage 7445}}}

No. 7446
{{{"He’s a lost cause, let him crash out and find out on his own eventually" | renderPostMessage 7446}}}

No. 7447
{{{"Eh, 3@gl3 r1v3r ain’t worth the drive. You can bring her back into town for me lil nigg@" | renderPostMessage 7447}}}

No. 7452
{{{"lol why you keep deleting my shit chr1st1@n?" | renderPostMessage 7452}}}

No. 7453
Open file(107.68 KB, 720x1278, IMG_9722.jpeg)

Open file(73.02 KB, 949x540, IMG_9721.jpeg)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 7453}}}

No. 7455
{{{"Why is this Chr1st1an kid acting like he’s all high and mighty when he’s on the same website as all of us? Just pissed he found out his girl is a cheating slut" | renderPostMessage 7455}}}

No. 7456
{{{"Show me the dates" | renderPostMessage 7456}}}

No. 7458
{{{">>7455 cause he’s enjoying this. He requested her on the anch0rage thread before they started dating lol. He even asked in this thread for more" | renderPostMessage 7458}}}

No. 7461
Open file(683.45 KB, 1206x2456, IMG_1310.jpeg)

{{{"Can’t wait for the denial on this one lol" | renderPostMessage 7461}}}

No. 7465
{{{"Nigg@ can you read? That ain’t the snap you had lol. Starting to think you really do get off to this shit cause you’re still asking for more leaks" | renderPostMessage 7465}}}

No. 7466
{{{"Fr posing like he’s some white knight but wanting people to post more of her is backwards af" | renderPostMessage 7466}}}

No. 7470
{{{"Guys guys guys, just let him crash out on his own. He’ll always know he can’t compare to the poles she’s used to" | renderPostMessage 7470}}}

No. 7471
{{{"Also, that’s a crazy amount of detail if it’s accurate to be someone she’s not still talking to" | renderPostMessage 7471}}}

No. 7473
{{{"Those photos really show the cope" | renderPostMessage 7473}}}

No. 7477
{{{"When yall dropping the onlyfans?" | renderPostMessage 7477}}}

No. 7480
{{{"Let’s all just leave crusty ashy gay boy be mad now. Let’s get back to why we here. Anyone have C3lina Sw@n Br! Sh!ann or anyone from west? I saw the white Ms friend group and the ones I just mentioned either had onlyfans or had some out there" | renderPostMessage 7480}}}

No. 7481
{{{"K@itlynn n them too" | renderPostMessage 7481}}}

No. 7485
{{{"LMAO you guys are hilarious deleting all of our shit. Fucking pussieeessss\n\nDeath is creeping up on you isn’t it. Suicidal thoughts huh because you know you’ll end up alone. So sad." | renderPostMessage 7485}}}

No. 7487
{{{"Just let him, only one who wants to be with her is him we all just enjoying" | renderPostMessage 7487}}}

No. 7504
{{{"Oh shiii this that hoe from bad bunny night??" | renderPostMessage 7504}}}

No. 7510
{{{"lol not this slut again" | renderPostMessage 7510}}}

No. 7540
{{{"Any vids?" | renderPostMessage 7540}}}

No. 7577
{{{"God damn!! Anyone got more??" | renderPostMessage 7577}}}

No. 7580
{{{"Damn Taylor, trying to hide huh? 💀" | renderPostMessage 7580}}}

No. 7582
Open file(112.91 KB, 750x746, IMG_3154.jpeg)

Open file(191.06 KB, 870x1882, IMG_3155.jpeg)

{{{"Ladies and gentlemen this is Taylor. The loser that tried to blackmail Linda and seek for revenge 🤦‍♂️\n\nHe is about to commit suicide this year because he can’t take the rejection." | renderPostMessage 7582}}}

No. 7583
{{{"I’m so confused. What is the context? Did Linda cheat on Taylor, or what?" | renderPostMessage 7583}}}

No. 7586
{{{"No Linda didn’t cheat on him. She was speaking to him on Feeld and she lost interest in him and after she sent nude photos and videos to him, he used those to seek revenge to make him feel better about himself. \n\nHe essentially used her. Isn’t that right Taylor 😏" | renderPostMessage 7586}}}

No. 7590
{{{">>7586\nShow us your butthole." | renderPostMessage 7590}}}

No. 7591
{{{"Hey men, we dont need any guy pics here. Thangs only" | renderPostMessage 7591}}}

No. 7594
Open file(50.14 KB, 720x1280, IMG_1810.jpeg)

{{{"Surprise surprise Taylor. You do some weird shit too. Luckily for Linda, she doesn’t have to handle your ass anymore 👌🏽\n\nLadies and gentleman —- Taylor. The weirdo who likes to expose women who reject him LMAOO" | renderPostMessage 7594}}}

No. 7602
{{{"Enough about the fucking desperate losers that want her. I like see more of this Laotian cum dumpster" | renderPostMessage 7602}}}

No. 7607
{{{">>7594\nLowkey he has a pretty asshole though. Somebody should post more." | renderPostMessage 7607}}}

No. 7609
{{{"Ya’ll are gay as fuck LMAO \n\nSingle depressed men who don’t know how to respect women" | renderPostMessage 7609}}}

No. 7611
{{{"Stfu just more of this Lind@ slut lol" | renderPostMessage 7611}}}

No. 7612
Open file(351.78 KB, 1179x782, khgjkfghjfgffg.jpg)

{{{"" | renderPostMessage 7612}}}