Version 0.2.5
{{{"did anyone have the full vid, i saw a thread of someone who did, but did not know how to contact them" | renderPostMessage 14010}}}
{{{"Bump!! Been looking for this one!!!" | renderPostMessage 14012}}} |
{{{"bump\nhow long is the video?" | renderPostMessage 14013}}} |
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 14015}}} |
{{{"its on myw@pe" | renderPostMessage 14020}}} |
{{{">>14020\n We’re looking for the one longer then 36 seconds" | renderPostMessage 14022}}} |
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 14040}}} |
{{{"what is myw@pe? link to the vid?" | renderPostMessage 14043}}} |
Open file(2.52 MB, 2020.09.26_23.48.26.mp4) {{{"" | renderPostMessage 14059}}} |
{{{">>14059\nGoddamn need more" | renderPostMessage 14060}}} |
{{{"i have seen in some threads that the og video lasts like 8 min, can somebody confirm this?" | renderPostMessage 14069}}} |
{{{">>14069\nPeople say that there's a longer video but no one seems to have it" | renderPostMessage 14070}}} |
{{{"I have seen a short clip where she has a sock on her hand so more exsists somewhere." | renderPostMessage 14073}}} |
{{{">>14073\ncan you send it" | renderPostMessage 14076}}} |
{{{"There's not a longer vid than 36 sec. The sock is a faked Pic. Please let this die. It doesn't exist. You're new on this site if you don't know this yet." | renderPostMessage 14092}}} |
{{{">>14092\nNo its not a faked pic. There is a small few seconds clip out there where she jerks him with the sock." | renderPostMessage 14095}}} |
Open file(694.76 KB, Video.mp4) {{{">>14092\n\nIt is you who are new and wrong." | renderPostMessage 14096}}} |
{{{">>14096\nWon’t load" | renderPostMessage 14097}}} |
{{{">>14097\n\nIt loads, just open it in VLC - also shows that the original vid is 8:53 mins long" | renderPostMessage 14098}}} |
{{{">>14098 hot but I wish it was the whole video lol" | renderPostMessage 14100}}} |
{{{">>14096\n\nShare the whole thing" | renderPostMessage 14103}}} |
{{{"That shit's old af you newb. It's a fake to make you think it's longer. Can see whoever made it trying to extort Btc out of people for it tho. Like that's not an obvious sign of bs. I'm telling you it DOESN'T EXIST." | renderPostMessage 14106}}} |
{{{"Best site \n\nt. co/ZNbZRbZH?sex" | renderPostMessage 14107}}} |
{{{">>14106\n\nHigher quality....and content not in the low quality short clip. slow af." | renderPostMessage 14112}}} |
Open file(604.15 KB, NP1VXec%2Ffe42jTUZk20ZV0U38FuQpa2jDIpnaOiXymj2gfdBuFYzN9Y9jCSuIlHwRLI%2FBcsBN2mbaKz2XNKJoh4Md0msoLQ906%2F0CcgXs3RLeL0sSMw4qVsTZC0cshKvtkTBihCfOgcwon9A%2B1fAcVPoFAegOE8mDPwqkCpAShU%3D.mp4) {{{"Here is another clip I found." | renderPostMessage 14124}}} |
{{{">>14124\nwill reconstruct the video out of clicks" | renderPostMessage 14125}}} |
{{{">>14125\nclips**" | renderPostMessage 14126}}} |
{{{">>14124\nYou are a champ dude. Never knew this one existed. Someone who has the full vid will be a legend." | renderPostMessage 14130}}} |
{{{"I'm ready for the whole video to be posted, in case anybody was wondering." | renderPostMessage 14134}}} |