Version 0.2.5
{{{"Lets get some win flowing again, starting with some Autumn lasley pussy" | renderPostMessage 2}}}
{{{"Anyone have jessica finnegan? I would die for her wins. Surely she has a secret onlyfans?" | renderPostMessage 35}}} |
{{{"*" | renderPostMessage 90}}} |
{{{"Any more of Autumn Lasley? She’s a total slut!" | renderPostMessage 120}}} |
{{{"Anyone got anything on Morgan Hopson? Huge ass red head" | renderPostMessage 148}}} |
{{{"What ever happened to Kelli jones?" | renderPostMessage 189}}} |
Open file(513.60 KB, 2509x2167, freaks-if-you-sort-by-new-i-want-you-too-FALTRs.jpg) {{{"Heres some more autumn." | renderPostMessage 209}}} |
Open file(515.30 KB, 2223x3088, freaks-i-ll-always-be-here-when-you-need-me-b140Bp.jpg) {{{"Moreee" | renderPostMessage 212}}} |
{{{"Fuck yes, keep’m coming if you have them!" | renderPostMessage 213}}} |
{{{"Got any more Kelli jones" | renderPostMessage 215}}} |
Open file(802.29 KB, 2316x3088, 8e6c0c9.jpg) {{{"Wanna see her new tits?" | renderPostMessage 216}}} |
Open file(972.73 KB, 2316x3088, 89f411d.jpg) {{{"Fake tits" | renderPostMessage 217}}} |
Open file(644.29 KB, 2316x3088, ec0ac9a.jpg) {{{"Wont let me post more than one at a time" | renderPostMessage 218}}} |
Open file(798.56 KB, 2316x3088, 47739b2.jpg) {{{"New titties, i liked the tiny ones better" | renderPostMessage 219}}} |
Open file(741.55 KB, 2316x3088, dbb372b.jpg) {{{"" | renderPostMessage 220}}} |
Open file(924.11 KB, 2316x3088, 972fd64.jpg) {{{"" | renderPostMessage 221}}} |
{{{"That’s hot as fuck. Yeh, her little tits where way hotter. These are great pics." | renderPostMessage 224}}} |
Open file(698.20 KB, 1976x2567, daba44b.jpg) {{{"Shes so yummy. Her onlyfans is fire, she sends out videos of her getting fucked and playing with her pussy all the time." | renderPostMessage 239}}} |
Open file(767.42 KB, 2316x3088, 9e087ea.jpg) {{{"More" | renderPostMessage 240}}} |
Open file(773.35 KB, 2316x3088, 3181c8e.jpg) {{{"" | renderPostMessage 241}}} |
Open file(551.44 KB, 2289x2861, d312527.jpg) {{{"" | renderPostMessage 242}}} |
{{{"What’s her onlyfans?!" | renderPostMessage 243}}} |
{{{"stuckinadryerr\nBest 5 bucks you'll ever spend" | renderPostMessage 245}}} |
{{{"Lol Kelli is on the front page of /gif/. She's the OP post in the \"BUTTS\" thread" | renderPostMessage 256}}} |
{{{"Post more Kelli" | renderPostMessage 264}}} |
{{{"Any abby watson?" | renderPostMessage 380}}} |
{{{"Someone come thru, dont let this die" | renderPostMessage 429}}} |
{{{"Anything??" | renderPostMessage 435}}} |
{{{"More kelli" | renderPostMessage 519}}} |
{{{"Stop with Kelli… She’s not all that special and we see her on literally every single Joplin thread for some reason" | renderPostMessage 521}}} |
{{{"More kelli jones and bigger titt girls" | renderPostMessage 556}}} |
{{{"Becca pottenger or Jordan lasley?" | renderPostMessage 558}}} |
{{{"I think Niki B-a-r-l-o-s might have an O F. A phishing account was made on IG pretending to be her for a pocket stars account. I did some googling and it sounds like O F users are the victims" | renderPostMessage 598}}} |
{{{"I definitely want to see Niki! Anyone know anything more?\n>>598" | renderPostMessage 606}}} |
{{{"Ashley Douglass from cj has a onlyfans" | renderPostMessage 616}}} |
{{{"Ashley is stassieharbor" | renderPostMessage 617}}} |
Open file(127.19 KB, 946x2048, E_tRiWmXoAI5eTr.jpg) {{{"Anyone have anything of either one of these slots?" | renderPostMessage 637}}} |
{{{"I have a lot from Joplin/Carthage" | renderPostMessage 656}}} |
{{{"I’ll share if we can get this going again" | renderPostMessage 657}}} |
{{{"I’ll share if we get this going again" | renderPostMessage 658}}} |
{{{"I do have one of the two slots you asked about lol" | renderPostMessage 659}}} |
Open file(732.73 KB, 724x1296, 548C6C3C-B6A0-44F5-9350-B7E4851CC732.jpeg) {{{"J tackett" | renderPostMessage 660}}} |
Open file(615.30 KB, 812x1161, 51120071-47B2-4AA0-9DA4-3378D07BBAB0.jpeg) {{{"M Horton from Carthage I’ll post a lot more of others if we can get this going again" | renderPostMessage 661}}} |
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 666}}} |
{{{"Do you have any Joplin girls from 2012-2014?" | renderPostMessage 667}}} |
{{{"Any names lol" | renderPostMessage 668}}} |
{{{"I have a lot of girls but others need to post" | renderPostMessage 669}}} |
{{{"You’ve gotta give names if you’re going to actually entice us lol. If they’re just repeats of what we’ve actually seen or girls we don’t care about, then it’d be a waste." | renderPostMessage 675}}} |
{{{"Yeah, it’s been a long time since I’ve actually seen a girl I actually know. Otherwise it doesn’t really matter to me tbh" | renderPostMessage 676}}} |
{{{"Breeann Malloy Nikki Barlos Ashley rundle ton of Carthage girls too" | renderPostMessage 679}}} |
{{{"Which Niki ones are they? Are they the bathtub ones or something new? I’ve been looking for a long time" | renderPostMessage 680}}} |
{{{"There green see through lace frontal an a couple ass pics do you have the tub pics" | renderPostMessage 684}}} |
{{{"I also have devin Wendy Carthage girl but you guys might know her" | renderPostMessage 685}}} |
{{{"Please tell me they’re actual nude ass pics… The lace ones may have been from social media and she flaunts her ass a lot. I’m looking for something new." | renderPostMessage 686}}} |
{{{"There in a thong" | renderPostMessage 687}}} |
{{{"Can you please post them and the lace pics since I posted the tub pics?" | renderPostMessage 692}}} |
{{{"At work right now I’ll post them as soon as I get home" | renderPostMessage 693}}} |
{{{"If you want to text me I have a fake number app we could chat on" | renderPostMessage 694}}} |
{{{"I can get it" | renderPostMessage 696}}} |
{{{"Post the carthage girls" | renderPostMessage 707}}} |
Open file(737.32 KB, 828x1405, F67DED3E-B3F3-49BE-A577-FDFE7E33E654.jpeg) {{{"D weldy" | renderPostMessage 708}}} |
{{{"C Garber" | renderPostMessage 709}}} |
{{{"I’m done tell others post I’m not giving them for nothing lol" | renderPostMessage 710}}} |
{{{"Post Ashley" | renderPostMessage 716}}} |
{{{"What do you want for breann mulloy? Would love to see those" | renderPostMessage 744}}} |
{{{"Ok’d you got any pics to - lol" | renderPostMessage 746}}} |
{{{"Idk you got anything to -" | renderPostMessage 747}}} |
{{{"For Breann do you have any that you’d share for them?" | renderPostMessage 748}}} |
Open file(173.06 KB, 1536x1969, 22520928zr.jpg) {{{"" | renderPostMessage 758}}} |
{{{"Post those Ashley pictures" | renderPostMessage 764}}} |
{{{"I have jessica dayne pussy (plus others of her), tayler weldy, kaitlyn judd, and a bunch of other stuff. Will drop whatever for Breann mulloy." | renderPostMessage 806}}} |
{{{">>806\nSave the other two. Just drop Kait(l)ny J(u)dd please." | renderPostMessage 810}}} |
{{{"Drop what you got an I’ll drop breann" | renderPostMessage 814}}} |
Open file(131.43 KB, 1080x785, Screenshot_20210927-111515_Gallery.jpg) {{{"This is the only one of kaitlyn that i have. Let me see what else i can dig up" | renderPostMessage 820}}} |
{{{"Whos has tanner bartholowmew or miranda sanders" | renderPostMessage 824}}} |
{{{"Also have to drop tayler weldy since her sister devyn is posted already" | renderPostMessage 833}}} |
{{{"What else you want for breann?" | renderPostMessage 836}}} |
{{{"I got more autumn lasley, jessica kienenberger, hunter barnes, audrea sanchez" | renderPostMessage 837}}} |
{{{"Instead of saying who you have how about just posting them" | renderPostMessage 841}}} |
{{{"Im not going to drop everything just for one person to be posted. Especially all the OF content i have. I will drop some more stuff today but im really wanting to see the breann." | renderPostMessage 843}}} |
{{{"Who do you have??" | renderPostMessage 845}}} |
{{{"Everything that was said in the past 2 days is what i have and im wanting breann mulloy. Jessica dayne, tayler weldy, kaitlyn judd, jess k, audrea sanchez, autumn l, hunter barnes. Already posted kaitlyn and tayler." | renderPostMessage 846}}} |
{{{"Anyone have devins roommate Jessie?" | renderPostMessage 853}}} |
{{{"Any one have any of her?" | renderPostMessage 856}}} |
{{{"Anybody save Heather [k] ernel win from a while back?" | renderPostMessage 859}}} |
Open file(246.00 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210929-144515_Gallery.jpg) {{{"Heather k" | renderPostMessage 865}}} |
{{{"Any one have any of miss [W]hittington?" | renderPostMessage 868}}} |
{{{"Any one have any of desirree holland. I'm starting to think she doesn't have any out, never have seen any posted in any of the previous forums or threads other than stuff she has posted on ig or fb" | renderPostMessage 873}}} |
{{{"What happened to the guy with the breann mulloy? What else you want bro?" | renderPostMessage 877}}} |
Open file(160.03 KB, 1170x2208, 9D48F2DD-1D59-4C6C-8087-F516AD961544.jpeg) {{{"Ton more post what you got" | renderPostMessage 935}}} |
{{{"Tattoos of Jessie" | renderPostMessage 954}}} |
{{{"DW - sweetdallas13\nJS - babyhoneyb1" | renderPostMessage 956}}} |
{{{"taylor erwin" | renderPostMessage 959}}} |
{{{"Anymore of DW" | renderPostMessage 961}}} |
Open file(165.11 KB, 1080x1750, IMG_20211005_115801_573.jpg) {{{"Post breann" | renderPostMessage 979}}} |
{{{"Devinn weldy" | renderPostMessage 980}}} |
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 1060}}} |
{{{"Who has more Devin or Jessie (S)mith" | renderPostMessage 1066}}} |
{{{"Any new ones" | renderPostMessage 1153}}} |
{{{"Any one have Kaitlyn v aness" | renderPostMessage 1184}}} |
{{{"Its too bad yall wanted to pretend to have wins then stop posting. I was ready to drop mad new OC but its clear no one else is going to drop any wins. Unfortunate" | renderPostMessage 1244}}} |
{{{">>1060\n>>1244\nI’ve dropped a fuck ton of wins in here, in fact, I’ve dropped literally everything I have, without expecting any either. Just share what you got, if you even have any." | renderPostMessage 1245}}} |
{{{">>1244\nHonestly man shut the fuck up and stay outta here if all you’re gonna do is bitch about no one having anything. In here acting like a disappointed father. You’re just a FORBIDDEN in a grocery store throwing a tantrum for not getting what he wants. Get the fuck out. No one gives a shit what you have. This board wasn’t made to barter content or hold content hostage in order to be a whiny bitch. Everyone posts what they have, and asks for what they are looking for. If you can’t do that then get the fuck out. We don’t need you" | renderPostMessage 1248}}} |
{{{"Haha idiot. 90% of the win that has ever been posted on this site originally came from me. And i still have more to give. But im tired of sharing and sharing and sharing and everyone else just holds their shit. At least 60% of what is on this thread right now is my posts, and another 20% is reposts of content i put here in the past. Bunch of scavengers. Get to posting or get the fuck gone." | renderPostMessage 1249}}} |
{{{">>1249\nJust when I thought you couldn’t be any more of a fucking moron you go and prove me wrong. Good job moron. 90% of everything on this site came from you? 90%? You fucking imbecile. Quit posting shit today and this site wouldn’t miss you at all you moany cunt. In here calling people scavengers and saying post or gtfo while simultaneously saying you won’t post until others do. Your a fucking bottom-feeding, blood-sucking, slack-jawed, brain-dead cum-guzzler. No one needs you, no one wants you, no one would care if you quit posting or commenting or existing. Be the fuck gone, we do not want you" | renderPostMessage 1252}}} |
{{{"90% of joplin win on all joplin threads for ages, yes. You sound mad, like someone who gets no pussy and has nothing but fat chicks and ratchets hoes to post. Get back to your chambers you fucking peasant." | renderPostMessage 1255}}} |
{{{"Stoppp you’re tearing us apart :’(\n\nBut I’m gonna need to to see a running list of who all you have if you’ve got it all because there’s a lot I want to see from years ago because idk who most of these newer girls are. Pls" | renderPostMessage 1264}}} |
Open file(110.41 KB, 1284x1943, RDT_20211021_1643352531774590252674258.jpg) {{{"" | renderPostMessage 1306}}} |
Open file(303.81 KB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20211021-145548_One UI Home_exported_4135.jpg) {{{"Here's one from her fb story earlier anyone of more of her or actual revealing" | renderPostMessage 1307}}} |
{{{">>679\nPost all the Carthage girls" | renderPostMessage 1313}}} |
{{{"I’ll post some Carthage girls you got anything to post though" | renderPostMessage 1344}}} |
{{{"Anyone got Azia Smith" | renderPostMessage 1347}}} |