Version 0.2.5
{{{"\"The Scarlet Witch\"" | renderPostMessage 880}}}
{{{"Old pictures" | renderPostMessage 881}}} |
{{{">>881\nššš Congrats mate ya a fuck genius!! Although dont recall where the bloody fuck I said they was new you wee cunt, Its called reposting for people who didn't see them since they weren't on here. Politely get the dick out of your ass and either post up or shutup" | renderPostMessage 882}}} |
{{{">>882\nLol calm down fag." | renderPostMessage 883}}} |
{{{"again with the ancient shit ffs" | renderPostMessage 886}}} |
{{{"Savior always posts stuff while nobody else does. Everyone needs to stop fighting and using racist or obligatory slurs and start posting in turn instead of just hoarding what they got." | renderPostMessage 895}}} |
{{{">>882\nlol" | renderPostMessage 1056}}} |
{{{">>895\n\"Hoarding what they got\" this old shit is everywhere on the internet. Nobody is saving this shit." | renderPostMessage 1180}}} |
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 1522}}} |